
My Story: An Incident from Our Home Education Years

The first year we taught our daughters -- we had only two, then -- at home, came with some trials for me. We were trying to plant a church with one other family, and I could only find a part-time job that paid minimum wage, twelve hours a week.

I felt like a failure as a husband and father. I could not provide even the necessities of life for my family.

After twelve months, things got better. I found a second part-time job, and between the two , we could keep our heads above water. 

One day, at our family worship time, I took a little poll and asked the family about what direction they would like to see our family go, spiritually. Theresa, my second daughter spoke up.

"Daddy, I think it's really neat when there's no food in the house, and we pray, and then God sends us food." Her words surprised and rebuked me.

I felt relief at having an income that would make the crisis prayers for daily bread "less necessary." My daughter saw those times, though, as an opportunity for God to manifest His provision on our behalf.

No matter how poor we were in earthly goods, my children experienced the richness of God's abundant love and providence toward us.

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