
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Getting Their Attention

And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth. 1Samuel 3:10

Years ago, at a Christian teachers' convention, I participated in a role-playing workshop. The leader taped a label to each participant's forehead and told us to act as a committee planning a task. One member had the label "Praise Me," another had "Agree With Me," and so forth. We did not get very far into the exercise before I realized that my label read, "Ignore Me."

Aside from the lesson that we should take care about how we label our students, I came away with a deep sense of how precious a commodity someone's attention can be. How often I have identified parishioners who have checked out during a sermon and students who have mentally departed from class.

What if, seeking to disciple either children or adults, we could command immediate -- even eager -- attention as the Lord received from Samuel? Whole Brain Teaching provides a tool to do just that: Class-Yes. The following video shows how to do that with those whom you disciple.

Now, can you think of a way to introduce this to your own disciples without actually misrepresenting yourself? Remember, you don't want to communicate doubt to your disciples, but you want to remain ethical. Please relate your solution in the comments below.

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