
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hear the Word of the Lord

Whole Brain Teaching gives us an attention-getter, "Class!/Yes!" However, I wanted something to attract special attention when I quoted Scripture.

I came up with the idea of saying, "Hear the Word of the Lord," and having the class respond with, "Speak, Lord, your servant hears."

Here is the script I wrote for teaching this response:

Hey hey, Class!/Hey hey, Yes!

I have a story to tell you from the Bible.

Long ago, before Israel had a king, Samuel's mother took him to live in the Tabernacle with Eli, the priest.

When I say, "Teach," teach your partner the story, so far.
Teach, I say. (Okay, I say)


One night, as Samuel lay sleeping, he heard a voice calling, "Samuel, Samuel."

Teach-aroo! (Okay-aroo!)


Samuel thought Eli had called him so he went to Eli's room, but Eli said, "I did not call you. Go back to bed."

Tee-ee-each! (Oka-a-ay!)


Samuel heard the voice two more times, and finally, Eli said that God was calling Samuel, and he should say, "Speak, Lord, your servant hears."

Teach! Okay!

In this class, God speaks to us through the Bible. When I am about to give you a quote from the Bible, I will say, "Hear the Word of the Lord." (Repeat)

So, teach! (So, okay!)


When I say, "Hear the Word of the Lord," you answer by saying, "Speak, Lord, your servant hears." You are saying that to God, not to me.

Teach! (Okay!)


What do you say, when I say, "Hear the Word of the Lord"? (Speak, Lord, your servant hears.)

Good. Let's practice.

John 3:16. Hear the Word of the Lord. (Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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