
Monday, June 15, 2015

The Discipleship Garden: Planted and Watered

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (1Corinthians 3:6)

I was my veterinarian's senior English teacher. He came from a Christian home, and his parents had planted the seed of God's Word in his life. They had also nurtured him in the faith.

In school and after his graduation, the Lord granted me the honor of taking part in the watering process. I discipled the young man through his college and veterinary school years, and after he married, I became his pastor. 

Today, he and his wife have children, mostly grown, who carry on a walk with God.

My veterinarian's parents planted and I watered.

About five years after moving to Possum Kingdom, I received an evening phone call from a man who, as a teen, had attended a church I served as pastor. Since that time, he had become a Christian, married and had children. 

He thanked me for my efforts in striving for the souls God had placed in my care. Although I sowed the Word, I did not see any results in his life at the time.

Today he and his wife are my upholsterers. They have a young family whom they educate/disciple at home.

Clearly, I planted but others watered.

Even more clearly, God gave the increase. Whether you plant or water, therefore, give the glory to God whether you sow his seed or water his garden, for discipleship is true life, and  true life belongs to Him.

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